
Monday, August 01, 2011

It's Monday 8/1! What Are You Reading?

August 1st already!  July seemed to go by quickly.  I had a very unusual week - my kids were gone all week, and my husband was gone half of the week, so I enjoyed some quiet solitude, a rarity around here in the summer!  I had planned to catch up on all the things I'm behind in and spend lots of time reading, but that never quite works out as I'd planned.  Instead, I watched a bunch of girl-centric movies in the evenings and spent a lot of time with a friend going through a difficult time.  So, not quite the productive week I'd foreseen but rewarding just the same.  The kids had a blast on their grandparents' sailboat, enjoying Block Island, R.I.

And here's what we all read last week:
  • I am still reading The Passage by Justin Cronin.  I am finally about halfway through this hefty book!  It is really, really good - original, suspenseful, and compelling.
  • My husband, Ken, is reading The Burning Wire by Jeffrey Deaver, one of his favorite thriller writers.  He had fun yesterday browsing though Borders' clearance sale and spending his last Borders gift card, but my son said the YA section was almost empty!
  • Jamie, 16, loves to read books set on the water when he's on his grandparents' boat, so he started the week with Rip Tide by Kat Falls, sequel to Dark Life (which he loved) about a civilization deep under the ocean.
  • Next, he re-read Pirate Curse, book one in The Wave Walkers series by Kai Meyer - he just has to read at least one pirate book when he's sailing!  He said it was pretty good but not great.  I don't think he's ever read the rest of the series.
  • Then he left the water theme behind to read The Lost World by Michael Crichton, sequel to Jurassic Park which he read and loved a few weeks ago.  He loved the sequel, too!
  • Now he is re-reading The Thirteenth Child by Patricia Wrede in preparation for reading its sequel in the Frontier Magic series, Across the Great Barrier, which was recently released.  Jamie says this is a great series - I really need to find time to read it.
I did manage to write some reviews last week, including The Story of Beautiful Girl by Rachel Simon, a wonderfully original love story, set against the backdrop of a mental institution in the 1960's.  I also posted a review at Great Books for Kids and Teens of D.J. MacHale's Morpheus Road: The Black, a fast-paced ghost story for teens.

In addition, I posted lists of Top Ten Books That Tackle Tough Issues, both here and on Great Books for Kids and Teens (two different lists).  Finally, I posted an update on Borders' closing and my shopping expedition to their clearance sale and a sneak peek at the actors playing Gale and Peeta in The Hunger Games movie.

What are you and your family reading this week?

(What are you reading Monday is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.)


  1. You certainly had a busy reading week!

    Here's my It's Monday! What are You Reading? for this week:
    It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Readerbuzz's August Giveaway!

    I hope you will stop by and join in Readerbuzz's August Giveaway!

  2. I love that your whole family is reading!!! I am sorry your relaxing week didn't go as planned.


  3. The Passage was soooo good! Glad you are enjoying it too.

  4. Busy reading week for your family. I am so jealous of the trip your boys took with their grandparents.

    Thanks for the feedback about the review of the book Room having a spoiler. I decided to include the aspect of the escape and life after because everything I read, including Goodreads, and all the reviews and synopsis on the book itself had included that information. However, you make a good point and i appreciate your feedback.


  5. Have a wonderful week may you get through all the books in your list :D
