
Thursday, May 05, 2011

Found Bookmarks

Have you ever found an unusual bookmark in a library book or used book you purchased or borrowed?  It's often a quirky little bit of serendipity that makes you wonder about the book's previous readers!

This happened within our own home a couple of weeks ago.  My 16-year old son, Jamie, was home sick and reading straight through the entire series of Orson Scott Card's that begins with Ender's Game.  He was reading book 3, Xenocide, when he called me over to show me what he'd found stuck in its pages - this adorable little laminated photo of himself, at about 18 months old, sitting on Santa's lap!  That must have been the last time I read the book.

This unexpected find made us both smile and reminded me that I'd heard before about blogs that post odd bookmarks found within books.  Here are two of them:  Forgotten Bookmarks and Pre-Owned Bookmarks.

I typically use real bookmarks to mark my place - paper ones from our local indie bookstore or nice ones I received as gifts - but my husband uses whatever slip of paper he finds nearby - receipts, golf score cards, greeting cards, etc.  Jamie doesn't use bookmarks at all - he just remembers what page he was on!  I could never do that.

How about you?  What do you use as bookmarks?  And what is the oddest thing you have ever found stuck in a borrowed or second-hand book?


  1. I sometimes buy bookmarks online. I have a few relating to presidential libraries (my life's goal is to visit every presidential library), and I mostly use those, but I also have ones I've picked up from my local library relating to children's literacy, fun ones with kids sitting on stacks of books.

    I think I've got enough for now, though I'm always looking for more.

  2. I love Forgotten Bookmarks. As a matter of fact, I had just read his latest post and then come to read yours. I felt like maybe I had stepped into the Twilight Zone!

    I have lots of lovely bookmarks that I use. Most I buy - usually as inexpensive souvenirs- and some that have been gifts. I keep them in a highball glass on my bedside table. It makes a colorful centerpiece!

  3. Pam -

    That's a great idea! My bookmarks are scattered all over the house, though I can usually find a few in my nightstand!


  4. Oh--what a fun post! And a what a fun idea for storing bookmarks. I really can't recall any found items in a book that would be striking or memorable. I do know that I have found some business cards-usually in books I have bought at 1/2 price books. I use fast food straw wrappers, receipts, and cards--even though I own many lovely bookmarks. My favorites are the book thongs with the pretty beads and charms that dangle from each end of the book when placed.

  5. Great post. I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog. I, too, love Forgotten Bookmarks. But I didn't know about that other site, and I'm glad you mentioned it. .... I also post from "found bookmarks" on my website -- Papergreat: .... They can be found under the "Tucked Away Inside" category:

  6. I love it when I find handwritten notes and shopping lists. It makes me feel like I've uncovered a link to the past.
