
Monday, March 21, 2011

It's Monday 3/21! What Are You Reading?

Happy Spring!  Pouring rain here today, so it sure feels like spring.  And the thunder last night woke us all up and shook the house.  At least the weekend was nice and sunny.

Busy week here (aren't they all?), but we enjoyed some good books:
  • I finished Pathfinder by Orson Scott Card, his latest sci fi novel for teens/YA.  Jamie and I both LOVED this book!  Even though I finished it a few days ago, I keep thinking about it.  I cheered when I read in his acknowledgments that there is a sequel!
  • Now I'm reading one of my Christmas gifts, Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand.  She's a hero to me, since she has written her two amazing books while completely disabled by the same chronic illness I have.  She is a remarkable, inspiring person, as is the subject of her latest book.
  • My husband, Ken, read a nice, lightweight paperback last week since he was traveling: Indigo Slam by Robert Crais, one of his favorite authors.
  • Jamie, 16, is rereading Icecore by Matt Whyman, in preparation for reading its sequel.  He and I both enjoyed this teen techno-thriller.
Last week, I posted a review of The Three Weissmanns of Westport, an audio book I enjoyed.

What are you and your family reading this week?

(What Are You Reading Monday is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.)

A sure sign of spring spotted in my neighborhood yesterday:


  1. I've heard good things about Pathfinder and hope I can get to it soon. Love the sign of spring - the buds are coming up here, but then again, it's snowing today.

  2. Spring rain came to our neck of the woods, too. It's not the most pleasant start to the season but warmth is slowly approaching. I have a copy of OSC's Ender's Shadow but haven't read it yet. I should get on that. Have a great week :)

  3. Oh, you have to read Ender's Shadow - it's one of his best! Did you already read Ender's Game? It was very clever the way he told the same story from two different perspectives and both novels are well worth reading.


  4. I can't wait for Spring to get here. We had a teaser day on Saturday but it's supposed to snow here tomorrow. YUCK!!!


  5. So jealous of those flowers; we had (1) inch of snow today and high 30's temps.

  6. I'm reading Hillary Johnson's, My Mother Ruth. It's a great read!


  7. Spring is slowly arriving here too--I could smell the cherry blossom trees on Saturday when I was out and about running errands. I gave that OSC book as a gift to my older son for Christmas. I might remind Sam that big brother has it and maybe he might be interested in picking it up for the read-a-thon?!
    Have a great week...

  8. Looking forward to hearing what you think about Unbroken. Originally I wasn't interested in reading it, but a friend read it and highly recommended it to me. I have it waiting by bed to read now - along with several others I need to get to!
