
Monday, February 07, 2011

It's Monday 2/7! What Are You Reading?

Getting a late start today, after a late Superbowl night.  We just had a little family party - the four of us, plus a last-minute addition of two friends of our sons - with lots of yummy junk foods!  The kids have a day off school today, so we all slept in a bit.

We had another hectic, busy week last week, with a death in the extended family, a bit of a health crisis with my older son, plus a 2-day trip to Washington, DC, for Jamie and an all-day Academic Bowl for Craig.  The good news is that my computer is still running, so that's progress!  The week passed in a blur, though we did find time for reading, as always:
  • I finished the middle-grade novel, Eliza's Freedom Road: An Underground Railroad Diary by Jerdine Nolen and posted a review.
  • I read and thoroughly enjoyed a tiny volume, Between Home and School: Letters, Notes, and E-mails, by Bill Harley, a warm, tender little story of a boy growing up, told entirely in letters and notes sent between his mother and his teachers.  Bill Harley is a favorite entertainer/storyteller of ours.
  • Now I'm reading Stones Into Schools: Promoting Peace with Books, not Bombs, in Afghanistan and Pakistan by Greg Mortenson for my library's book discussion this week.  I really enjoyed his first book, Three Cups of Tea, and this follow-up is just as fascinating and inspirational.
  • My husband, Ken, is still reading Under the Dome by Stephen King - he figures this one may take a few weeks!
  • Jamie, 16, decided to set aside The Islands of the Blessed by Nancy Farmer, the last book in the trilogy that began with The Sea of Trolls, because he didn't remember enough of the second book (he often re-reads earlier books in a series before moving on).  So, now he's re-reading The Land of the Silver Apples by Nancy Farmer.  This is one of his favorite fantasy series. 
  • Craig, 13, also changed books this week in order to re-read one.  He has an assignment for English to do an oral presentation on a favorite book, so he's re-reading Nick of Time by Ted Bell and keeping an eye out for favorite quotations and a good passage to read aloud to his classmates.
I tried to do a bit of catching up on my reviews last week.  In addition to the review of Eliza's Freedom Road I mentioned above, I also posted a review of the teen novel, Gone, by Lisa McMann on Great Books for Kids and Teens.   Here, I also posted a long-overdue review of The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating by Elisabeth Tova Bailey, as well as a summary of what I read in January and a list of Top Ten Best Debut Books.

What are you and your family reading this week?

(What are you reading Mondays is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.)


  1. Between Home & School sounds like the perfect book for me to read :) What a terrific concept for a coming-of-age book! Under the Dome is a long journey but I think Ken will enjoy it. Hang in there! Were you for the Packers or the Steelers? Sad to say, we're brooding over Big Ben's loss :( Have a great week of reading!

  2. Well, we weren't really too wrapped up in either team, so we just enjoyed the game and the commercials. we were glad it was a close game - made it more interesting! We are Saints fans (used to live in NO), so last year's Superbowl was the one we were emotionally invested in!

    Yes, I thought of you and other teachers here when I read Bill Harley's book!


  3. Stones In School sounds wonderful and I am adding this to my TBR list. Have a wonderful week. My Monday:

  4. The super bowl wiped me out too Sue. I woke up at 7:30 after being up until 1:30 messing with the Monday meme and trying to get all comments current before I went to bed after the game :)

  5. What a great idea to post what your son is reading. I might think about adding that to mine. I have two boys ages 9 and 10. Might be fun. Hope you will stop by and visit me.

  6. Sounds like you had a nice day yesterday--and what a luxury to be able to sleep in today! Between Home and School has piqued my interest. My library doesn't have it, and I don't want to spend $8 on it on Amazon, so I will wait for the library to get a copy. :)
    *smiles and happy Monday*
