
Monday, January 24, 2011

It's Monday 1/24! What Are You Reading?

Happy Monday!  Wow, last week was a long one for me.  My husband was away the whole week, the kids were off school on Monday, plus we got two snow storms with two 2-hour delays for school (and no one here to do the shoveling!)  I really felt as if I did no work last week, just spent all my time trying to keep up.  We had a very nice, well-balanced weekend, though.  I got some things done around the house and cooked some nice meals but also took some time for fun.  I played games with my sons and went out to dinner ALONE with my husband - can't remember the last time we did that!

So, here we are...Monday again, with another snow storm predicted this week...and it's not even February yet!  We all did some good reading last week:
  • I finished a book for my neighborhood book group this week, Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain by Oliver Sacks.  Parts of it were slow-going for me because I know nothing at all about music, but some chapters were fascinating.  I'm interested to hear what everyone else thought at our meeting Wednesday.
  • Now I'm reading Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater.  I realize I must be the last person on earth to read this top-seller from 2009, but I'm just not normally into the paranormal romance genre.  Despite that, I was enticed by all the amazing reviews of this book, and so far, I'm enjoying it very much.
  • I'm still listening to the audio book, The Three Weissmann's of Westport by Cathleen Schine and enjoying it  more and more.
  • My husband, Ken, is reading Broken Prey by John Sandford, a paperback thriller he borrowed from his dad.
  • Jamie, 16, re-read Leviathan this week, and then read Behemoth.  He enjoyed both very much.  He's having trouble picking his next book because there are so many here that he wants to read!  I think he and I will make a trip to Borders today to spend our Christmas gift cards.
  • Craig, 13, gave up temporarily on the Ted Bell Time Pirate series - he was just having trouble getting into it, even though he loved the first book, Nick of Time.  Instead, he started his other Christmas gift, The Last Hunt by Bruce Coville.  The Unicorn Chronicles is his other favorite series, and so far, he's really enjoying this last book in the series.
Last week, I posted a review of Geraldine Brooks' Year of Wonders, as well as a review of Pendragon Book 10: Soldiers of Halla by D.J. MacHale on my Great Books for Kids and Teens blog, the final book in one of my favorite kid/teen series.

What are you and your family reading this week?

(What are you reading Mondays is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.)


  1. He he...actually I'm probably the last on Earth to have not read Shiver :D I'm not much for that genre of books, either. I think I'll pass on Musicophilia & go for Sacks's Awakenings instead. Have a great reading week :) Here's my Monday.

  2. I keep seeing The Three Weisman's of Westport cropping up here and there. I may have to look into it since you are enjoying it.

  3. Lucky you to get snow. We had high hopes for a snowier than usual winter here in Seattle due to it being a La Nina year--but really not seeing much. Just feeling a bit soggy most days! I thought I would tell you that you are not the last person to read Shiver--I think I am! I am really not into paranormal so not sure I every will!
    Have a happy week!
