
Monday, January 17, 2011

It's Monday 1/17! What Are You Reading?

Happy Martin Luther King Day!  The kids are home from school today, recovering from Craig's 13th birthday party this weekend.  My husband took them and five friends snow-tubing, then the boys all slept over.  A wild weekend with a house full of teen boys!

Now that Craig's birthday is past, our extended holiday season is finally over.  Now it feels like the new year can finally begin!  Those January birthdays are tough.

Despite all the activity, we did find some time for reading this week:
  • I quickly finished Gone by Lisa McMann.   I loved the first two books in the somewhat supernatural teen trilogy, Wake and Fade, and enjoyed this final book as well, though it was quite different from the first two.
  • I'm now reading a book for my neighborhood book group next week, Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain by Oliver Sacks.  I've always wanted to read something by Oliver Sacks, but this one is kind of dragging for me, probably because I'm not at all musically inclined and know very little about composing or playing music.  It's mildly interesting, but I'm craving a good bit of fiction now.  I'm sticking with it (though skimming a bit) in the interest of the book discussion.
  • I'm still listening to the audio book, The Three Weissmann's of Westport by Cathleen Schine and enjoying it very much.
  • My husband, Ken, is reading Nation by Terry Pratchett, a renowned teen sci-fi novel that our son has been telling both of us to read for a while now.  Ken is traveling this week, so he wanted a light paperback! 
  • Jamie, 16, read The Clockwork Three by Matthew J. Kirby this week and loved it.  He finished it last night and said he wishes it were the start of a series but doesn't think it is give the ending (anyone know for sure?).  I asked him what he's going to read next, and he said, "I need more steampunk!"  He's planning to re-read Leviathan so he can read Behemoth next.
  • Craig, 12 (oops - 13 now!), is doing something similar.  He set aside The Time Pirate: A Nick McIver Time Adventure by Ted Bell so that he could first re-read Nick of Time, the first book in the series.
I posted a review last week of The Lovely Bones, as well as a post about a reading challenge, Where Are You Reading 2011?

On my kids' book blog, I posted a review of the middle-grade/teen audio book, A Million Shades of Gray, a unique tale set in the jungles of Vietnam during the war.

What are you reading this week?

(What are you reading Mondays is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.)


  1. Oliver Sacks is so interesting! I read The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat & it was terrific. Musicophilia caught my eye but I'd be turned off too if it was all about composing or playing instruments since I don't know anything about that. Have a great reading week :)

  2. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Busy weekend, by the sounds of it! DId you manage to get any sleep at all?

    I don't know the Kirby steampunk book. I love to read more steampunk but my library hasn't got many.

    It's great your sons are both into reading. I've got one (13) that is and one (12) that isn't.

  3. I loved Nation! I thought it was different from Pratchett's other novels but excellent. Actually, I listened to it on cd and it was one of the best readings I've heard. Have a great week!

  4. You had a lot of great reading going on in the house this past week Sue!

  5. Funnily enough, I also have a book callded Gone on my reading list, but it's by a different author, Mo Hayder! :)

  6. You had a busy weekend--but always time for reading! I wish my boys would try some steampunk because I think they would like it. I even bought Leviathan yet is remains untouched. Hmmm-- I may need to do some more quiet prodding.
