
Sunday, October 03, 2010

Banned Books Week

As usual, I'm a bit late on this since Banned Book Week officially ended yesterday, but it still feels like the same week to me until Monday arrives!

I just wanted to share a wonderful podcast called Books on the Nightstand.  I absolutely love this podcast all about books and listen to it every week while I'm cooking Sunday dinner.  I highly recommend the podcast in general and hope you'll check it out.  You can listen online, download it from their blog, or download it from iTunes.

But, for this week in particular, Books on the Nightstand did an excellent podcast on Banned Books Week (as usual I just listened to it while making Sunday dinner which is why I'm a bit late with this post!).  If you have any interest in banned books, you'll enjoy this wonderful podcast.

Better late than never, right?


  1. Sue, thank you so very much! We thank you both for being a regular listener (what are you making? It smells delicious!) and for this post. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  2. Chili and cornbread...And it was delicious!

    Thanks for the great podcasts, Ann!

  3. you have my thanks as well Sue!

  4. I will tag this and take a listen when I have a minute in the next few days. Thanks for the tip.
