
Monday, October 12, 2009

It's Monday 10/12! What Are You Reading?

Happy Columbus Day!

I had another week of being sick most days (my chronic illness has been badly flared up lately), so lots of good reading but not much writing time again!

Last week:
  • I finished After You, a novel by Julie Buxbaum. It was a well-written tale of how a woman copes with the aftermath of her best friend's murder, including taking care of her friend's daughter. I really liked this novel - review to come later this week.
  • I read a wonderful middle-grade/teen mystery, The Mystery of the Third Lucretia, by Susan Runholt, about two young girls who get wrapped up in the midst of an international art crime. I'll post a full review at Great Books for Kids and Teens this week.
Last week, I posted two new reviews: Travel Writing , a novel by Peter Ferry, here at Book By Book and Catching Fire, the exciting sequel to The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins at Great Books for Kids and Teens (though this trilogy is a great choice for grown-ups, too!) I've also started posting a What Are You Reading Mondays update at Great Books for Kids and Teens, based on what my sons and I are reading, so check it out if you're interested in books for kids, teens, or young adults.

Now, comes my favorite part - time to choose a new book to read. I'm not sure what it will be - there are so many great books to choose from!

What are YOU reading this week?

(What Are You Reading Mondays was started by J. Kaye's Book Blog)


  1. I am sorry last week was a rough eek for you. I hope you are feeling better this week. I had a great week last week, and hopefully this one will be half as good:

  2. The Runholt book sounds good!

    I hope you feel better, Sue.

  3. Thats my favorite part of the week too - choosing what tor ead next :)

  4. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Ugh! So sorry you haven't been feeling well. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

  5. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is a very popular book at our library right now. Hope you feel better soon!

  6. I agree that the Hunger Games/Catching Fire books are great for adults as well as teens -- I've really enjoyed both of them.

    I hope you feel better this week! Dealing with chronic illness is no fun -- as I know all too well -- sigh.

  7. Hi Sue...I thought After You was pretty good as well. I'm reading: Cutting for Stone right now (audio and print version as it's over 500 pages) very good.

    Have a good week.

  8. I've just started The Zoo Keepers Wife by Diane Ackerman. It looks like it's going to be a great read!

  9. I've been dying to read The Zoo Keeper's Wife! Can't wait to hear what you think of it.

