
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Quote It Saturday 9/12

I just read a new feature at The Chick Who Reads - Quote It Saturday, featuring a favorite book quote. I like this idea so much that I decided to adopt it immediately! I keep a journal of favorite book quotes (at least when I remember to write them down!), so this should be pretty easy and lots of fun. My first Saturday quote is one of the first ones in my quote journal, but it's also timely since the movie version of this book was out this summer...

Life sometimes gets so bogged down in the details, you forget you are living it. There is always another appointment to be met, another bill to pay, another symptom presenting, another uneventful day to be notched onto the wooden wall. We have synchronized our watches, studied our calendars, existed in minutes, and completely forgotten to step back and see what we've accomplished.

- Sara, in My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult

This quote really hit home with me. I should probably read it once a week to remind myself to see the big picture. It's so easy to get bogged down in the mundane details of every day.

Hope you're enjoying the weekend!


  1. Sue you are a kindred spirit. I, too, keep a quote journal. Dork, I know! I actually post a Quote of the Moment on my blog. I try to change it every week or so. I love this idea for a regular Saturday feature.

    I love the quote you've chosen and I think we can all benefit from its wisdom. I'm looking forward to reading more quotes from you journal every Saturday.

  2. Aww =) I love it! I did actually see the movie but I haven't read the book and this quote was soooo awesome that it gave me chills after I finished reading it!

  3. I wanted to see the movie but didn't get a chance - have to wait for DVD now. It's one of my favorite books - I love how she writes from different character's perspectives.


  4. Nice :-) I love the idea of the quote journal!
